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Adaptive Spatial Optimization

for Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus to a Sustainable Future

How can we best achieve sustainability for Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystems Nexus?

Developing sustainable landscapes through proactively actionable strategies

Proactive Land-Repurpose Actions under Uncertainties

Develop proactive land-repurpose actions for water, food, energy, and Eco systems to access multiple social-economic-environmental benefits,
especially under uncertainties from climate change and human-environment interactions.

Multi-Objective Optimization across Multiple Sectors and Scales

Develop multi-objective optimization frameworks to improve decision making for where, when, and which actions to be implemented.
Achieve synergistic benefits and minimize trade-offs across sectors and scales.

Harnessing the Power of AI

Harness the power of advanced artificial intelligence techniques to automatically learn and improve the decision making process.
AI-based models can best use the available data and resources, handle complex multidimensional environment, and generate millions of potential simulations to identify the best strategy.